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Dr. Percy Grantham, LPC

Clinical Advisory

Introducing Percy Grantham, a compassionate and experienced Licensed Professional Therapist in Texas, bringing over 20 years of expertise in supporting individuals, families, and children. With a focus on better emotional and mental health, Percy is dedicated to understanding the unique concerns of each client and guiding them on their journey towards healing and growth.

Percy's therapeutic approach centers on encouraging clients to develop perseverance, flexibility, and increased self-worth. Drawing on evidence-based social work modalities such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Supportive Therapies, and Problem Solving Strategies, Percy equips clients with valuable tools to navigate life's challenges.

Known for his warm and personal style, Percy believes in getting to know his clients on a personal level, recognizing that they are the experts on their own lives. Together, they collaboratively set goals and find solutions that cater to their individual needs, fostering a strong therapeutic alliance.Percy's diverse toolkit includes solution-focused therapy, family systems theory, mindfulness, and cognitive behavioral therapy. By tailoring his approach to the unique needs of each client, he ensures that counseling is most beneficial and impactful.

In his role as a Clinical Advisory Counsel for the Non-Profit Cancer Organization, Percy is deeply committed to supporting individuals, especially males, in their roles as caregivers for their wives, sisters, mothers, family, or friends facing cancer. He recognizes the importance of providing care and support to Pretty Girls With Cancer, and he wholeheartedly dedicates himself to this mission.Percy's dedication, sensitivity, respect, and warmth create a safe space for clients to explore their emotions, fears, and hopes. He is a firm believer in fostering a supportive environment that empowers clients to embrace a more fulfilling life and navigate their cancer journey with strength and resilience.

With Percy's guidance and genuine care, clients find solace, understanding, and the tools needed to overcome obstacles and thrive. As a valued member of the Clinical Advisory Counsel, he contributes his expertise and compassionate heart to enhance the organization's mission of providing comprehensive support and care for those affected by cancer.

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